Woman – Women we must do better!


Can we all sit together for a second and discuss one of the issues in today’s society.

When you see another woman down, do you lend a hand or judge?

If your friend is harming herself in any way, do you tell her the truth or do you turn the cheek and act like the issue is okay?

When you know of another woman who is sexually confused, has been sexually insulted or has had any other form of violence brought against her do you try and talk it out with her or continue to watch her suffer deeply inside?

If we are walking away from potential dangerous situations within our communities with other women (friends, family and strangers) then how can you really claim to be a strong woman ourselves? A supportive woman? A friend?

There are more issues to be discussed but to start off can we find a way to come together more often than to party? Can we embrace each other and remind each other that no one can make us feel as beautiful, smart, vigilant, social, creative and natural than we can.

Think about the last time a woman complimented you…how did that make you feel? You probably thought “damn that woman is the shit too.” This needs to happen more often! Give props when they are do! Don’t be afraid!

Sometimes we forget this thing called SELF LOVE and how important it is. How important it is that we express deep appreciation for ourselves and each other…daily.

If we loved ourselves deeper there would be no room for bullshit because we would understand deeply our souls/spirits worth we would except nothing less than what we know we deserved.

I as a woman, know that we have difficulties in this society so we need to support each other, heal each other and embrace each other, we don’t need to bash and hate.

It’s unnecessary and a form of oppression, so lets stop doing that shit and elevate the woman, it’s our duty as women. Don’t wait around for the man to do it, we got this and they will see and start reflecting our behaviors.

Let’s add to this and talk about it?

Add your thoughts in the comments, it’s appreciated.


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