Category Archives: Audio Journalism
(NEW) Podcast Review.
Don’t We All Just want to be Happy?
Two weeks ago I started to listen to the UK podcast called “Zestology” with Tony Wrighton. The show focuses on living with positive energy, vitality, motivation, health, confidence, great sleep and more.
I listened anxiously hoping to find tools that would lead me to a little more balance as we are heading into the middle of the semester. Things are picking up and energy is spreading pretty thin. I kept hope alive as I scrolled through all 87 of Tony’s podcast.
Every one caught my attention so I started from the introduction and worked my way up. Zestology focuses on shows that literally motivate you to live in balance. Nothing is easy but with a few tips we are guaranteed to move in a upward direction.
One of my favorite episodes talked about the “7 Secrets of Happiness” with author Gyles Brandreth. Brandreth highlighted the everyday challenges that people all over the world face, rather it was work stress, school stress, family stress or stress that just comes from the lack of having something you want in this life.
“I can not only be expanding your life but I could be also extending your life by seven to ten years,” Brandreth says as he starts to share a few of the seven secrets with the listeners.
The first secret included “be a leaf on a tree,” – free flowing, unique and strong. Be attached to a larger growing organism. Second secret included compassion and passion, compassion among others and having passions that motivate you and radiate you. “Essentially you need a passion to sustain you, when things go wrong,” or in general. Brandreth went on to talk about the other secrets to a beautiful happy life.
I enjoyed this podcast among the other episodes. They all had a wonderful tone that kept me interested and motivated. I recommend anyone who is interested in gathering happiness tools to listen to this.
I have always wanted to start a podcast especially over the last couple of months. I am tuning in to a lot of different shows to gather ideas on tones, themes and etc.
I will continue to keep up with Zestology, because its simply beneficial to my everyday life.
Take a listen on Spotify and tell me what you think.
Convergence Journalism
If you would like to read more of my articles that I publish for class, please click on the links provided below. Leave comments and share!
Lab 1 (First Idea): “Dealing with Racial Stereotypes”
Lab 2 : Many Places, Many Places! Where are OU Students From?
Lab 3: “Prison Activism in the 21st Century”
Caption Practice: “Organic Farm Stand at OU”
Lab 4: “Feature on Juliet Oppenheim”
Lab 5: Audio- “What’s happening to note taking in the 21st Century?”
Lab: Simple Digital Story
Lab Reflection on Podcast: (New) Podcast Review
Lab 7: “Food Deserts and How to Make a Difference”
Final: Beat Assignment
Thank you,