I am opening up to the possibility that I am a master m a n i f e s t o r.
My whole life I had the thought in the back of my mind that I was in control of my destiny, even when I knew nothing about the law of attraction.
I use to sit in church during our normal catholic school regimen and wonder if God was this person in a transformer type of get up, directing billions of people left and right. The thought would cross my mind but then quickly fade away when I thought about all the stress it would be to do such a job.
My thoughts were overshadowed with “what if I’m in control, what if I am the transformer of my destiny,” this seemed more realistic…. more free.
Years later in high school I found Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – a Buddhist philosophy that helps you take control of your life. On top of the bountifulness that came with taking control I also noticed the power in the law of attraction. A power that they didn’t teach while drinking the blood of Jesus Christ.
Something in my spirit said Imani, you are the controller and with the practice I realized this was true in all ways. I didn’t have to wait around for the robotic movement. I could move, groove and create shit that I always dreamed of creating instead of listening to the whole “pray to Jesus and you will receive,” spill.
Now don’t get me wrong I believe in God but God is now me. God isn’t a being in the sky that is directing my destiny. I have slipped away from the thought of God being outside of me, I like to think of the spirit being alive inside and this very belief along with many other rituals has turned me into a master manifestor!
Nothing is easy at all even when you know you are in control, if anything this makes life a little more challenging knowing that I can’t wait around for something to mysteriously happen. What I put out is what I receive back, if I want to manifest a job, home, a million dollars I can if my brain sends the message to the universe it eventually will happen.
Now it’s not magic or shit it kind of is but you have to put in work in order to draw these things into your life. DISCLAIMER – you can manifest whatever you like it doesn’t and shouldn’t only be material stuff but things that help you elevate overall. This helps to show the universe that you aren’t greedy just a creator.
Manifestation can literally transform your life in so many powerful ways. You can go to a dull life to something so bright and sunny.
I have so many stories I could share but I’ll let you be the judge and manifestor of your own destiny. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to wake up and say I will have a wonderful day, I will have abundance and I will succeed and truly see your day unfolding in such a way. With time and practice you will start to create your destiny and become the powerful being that you truly are!
Come back and share your manifestation stories with me in the comments below.
With love,