AFFIRMATION: the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that “a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.”
“More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one’s self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.”
A affirmation gets us into the “what we put out is what we get back,” mind frame. The practice of making known what you want and being able to affirm this need/want/desire with your words is the first step of creating your destiny.
It causes a powerful impact on the universe who is also working along side us to make some magical shit happen.
Remember it takes time to truly achieve goals though – especially one’s that are as magical as these, so be patient with yourself and the forces that be with you.
As long as we deeply believe what we want is already ours we are one step and a couple great causes away.
Create a affirmation that will help carry you through the day and everyday for the next two weeks, say this affirmation in multiple settings (home, school, workplace + etc.) Make post-it notes and place them all around your house, car and desk so you have no choice but to keep creating this into your reality.
Make it light but impacting, make it attainable, make it carry a presence in your life because it already is yours!