I have realized so much over the last few months.
I feel lighter and more clear when it comes to what needs to be done to secure my future.
I don’t need a million people following my moves because honestly I’ve had that for the last four/five years.
I have appreciated every opportunity I have been given. Every friend. Every lover. Every moment that has taught me a lesson.
When you start to grow, you understand that you can’t take everyone nor everything with you.
Really, we sometimes live for the acceptance of others. We spend hours, days and years doing shit because we want others to think we got our shit together.
We do shit by the book even if it’s our passion we still sit there and follow the rules. Stressing over something that is suppose to bring us joy all because we feel society hasn’t given us the credit we deserve. I can’t take it. I’m done.
I have 3 major goals for the next few months until August.
I will continue to move in silence. Barely sitting at the table but setting up my foundation the way I know it’s suppose to be set.