Category Archives: Be Free

Words to the UNIVERSE.

AFFIRMATION: the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that “a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.”

“More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one’s self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.”


A affirmation gets us into the “what we put out is what we get back,” mind frame. The practice of making known what you want and being able to affirm this need/want/desire with your words is the first step of creating your destiny.

It causes a powerful impact on the universe who is also working along side us to make some magical shit happen.

Remember it takes time to truly achieve goals though – especially one’s that are as magical as these, so be patient with yourself and the forces that be with you.

As long as we deeply believe what we want is already ours we are one step and a couple great causes away.

Create a affirmation that will help carry you through the day and everyday for the next two weeks, say this affirmation in multiple settings (home, school, workplace + etc.) Make post-it notes and place them all around your house, car and desk so you have no choice but to keep creating this into your reality. 

Make it light but impacting, make it attainable, make it carry a presence in your life because it already is yours! 


What’s the heart chakra got to do with it?


I’ve had to open my heart up more than ever before, some things that I thought I wouldn’t except I now do…no not the bad stuff I still have morals!

I am talking about softening my heart for the people I love in order to be there for them more. I had to realize that no one is perfect and if that’s the goal they are reaching for it will indeed take them a lifetime and some.

chakra4Softening the heart in order to be there for someone creates more beautiful karma, it does not make you weak it makes you stronger and wiser.

To be there for your true love ones you must open the fourth chakra which is the heart chakra! Closing off the energy that pumps to that special place causes stress, anxiety and so many other things that I will discuss down the line.

First off the heart chakra is located in the middle of your beautifully designed body, balancing the world of matter (lower three chakras) with the world of spirit (upper three chakras.) It’s location is at the center of the chest and includes the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus gland, lungs, and breasts, the heart chakra also rules the lymphatic system. Yes! this chakra is very vital to your sustainability.

It sits perfectly in this location for a reason just like the other six chakras that align the body in a perfect formation.

Like I stated above when your heart chakra is blocked you will know, you will begin to feel things 10x more intensely. When you are open, you are lubricating the heart with love which will allow the energy to flow freely towards this chakra. When you don’t you will feel jealously, anger, sadness, sort tempers and depression and overall you feel disappointed in yourself.

The beautiful thing about facing your heart chakra when it is closed is that you are able to overcome the grief that you are feeling by allowing yourself to open up. Of course at a time where you feel hopeless you aren’t really trying to hear about anything other than the sadness that is speaking volumes towards your spirit but you must force yourself out of the lower world and level up.

In order to come out of those grieving stages you can meditate, chant, do yoga and or go for a walk in nature (well those are the things I do when I notice I am blocking my heart chakra.) Most of the time I just need a minute to digest the feeling and proceed to the level up.

Do not repress your feelings! Let them flow outward so they can leave your spirit so you can began to work on what is needed to feel balanced again.

Yoga poses that help open up the area of the chest will also help to balance the heart chakra, poses such as crescent with the heart lifting towards the sky, cat and cow, gentle back bends, cobra, camel pose and wheel pose are just a few of many that will aid in the balance.

Also imagine your chakras like instruments and began to use mantras as a way to open up and release stagnant energy.

YAM(pronounced “yum”:  “The cleansing mantra for your Heart Chakra. You give and receive love through the energy center that is your heart chakra. If you’re not feeling loving, lovable, compassionate or experience relationship difficulties, you could use some YAM! Chant “YAM” to heal both the physical heart and the spiritual (emotional) heart center and open yourself up to unconditional love and compassion.” Credit: (

The color that the heart chakra is associated with is green which is the color of nature. Green symbolizes harmony, creativity, health and wealth.  The gemstones associated with the heart chakra are emerald, malachite,  green tourmaline, moss agate, jade, and rose quartz. Use these gemstones as something tangible to work with. Use the greens to help balance the vibrations of the nervous system and this will help you gain more energy.

I hope this helps along your journey of openness, I wish you open and balanced chakras.




She dies a little more just to know the truth,

the truth is deeper than the mind is prepared to comprehend. oh

The pattern of questions, deepening the pattern of confusion,

who knew she would be willing to crumble to rebuild?

The rebirth is still – knowing she is only looking for the truth she

learns the lesson of surrender.

She surrenders to the fall in order to rebuild her truth.




For the last two nights I have been rising at various times.

Out of nowhere my eyes pop open and I am left laying in bed staring out the window into the darkness. I try not to over analyze what this may mean but all I know is that something isn’t balanced within my system rather its emotions, health system or spirit. wakeup

Something just ain’t adding up.

I would share what has manifested over the last few days but there is no need but the energy is still trapped inside my body. Releasing is hard  to do especially when there are more than one person involved in the process.

Me waking in the middle of the night more than two times is a sign that I must uncover and bring to the surface the feelings I am facing. Usually I’m the one like “I’m cool,” “No biggie,” “Shit happens,” but this time I’m doing that all the while not feeling that way at all.

Not to mention here in Michigan it’s so damn gloomy the sun comes out twice a week at the max and I am just stuck simmering….over boiling.

When I woke up this morning I asked myself “what the hell is going on Imani, talk to me,” so I talked to myself and figured it out.

The power we posses is so infinite.

The talk with myself made me realize the problem. The problem I was trying to sweep under the rug instead of healing from.

We cannot move forward without first healing, at least for me it sends signals to my spirit and body that I am going about it all wrong.

Funny thing is apart of me feels amazing, liberated and free but then another part of me feels sad, depressed and unsure. I made a remark on social media about nothing phasing me then realized after all; that I am being phased rather I agree or not.

Being phased is one thing, being broken is another…and broken I am not!

This all needed to come out.

I wrote it out.




Okay so we all have made it through to the next cycle – the next phase – the bloom (rather you acknowledge January 1st as a New Year or not,) you made it!

How do you feel? Was it a magical spark in your soul at midnight? Was you popping champagne and kissing your boo at the ball drop?

Shoot, either way you up in this bitch! power

I learned a great lesson going into 2016….to always go with your first mind and never let someone convince you otherwise.  I also learned the power of my thoughts and behavior which resulted in me calmly rejecting negativity and being more powerful than what was trying to present itself.

It felt good to put my power to the test and that made me realize my 2016 theme:

“Utilize your power and see where it goes”

Now when people hear “power”they sometimes think of it in a negative way but to me there’s also a positive power out there that we all posses. The power of controlling our destinies, the power of digging deeper into the soul, the power of controlling the emotions, the power of balancing, the power of releasing, the power of opening up, the power of healing…I mean you get it!

You are the power, no one else has power over you UNLESS you take that power away from yourself and freely give it to someone else.

We all can reach our highest potential simply by putting the effort into that direction with our powerful actions and words.

Have you ever realized when you feel out and down you either soak in that shit or you overpower it and say enough is enough?!

So that’s what I mean when I say “utilize your power and see where it goes,” Change your emotions, have power and control over them, use logic and power to outweigh those emotions you are feeling.

Make time to find your potential of power, embrace it and run with that shit!

You can’t be fearful of the power you posses because misery loves power and fear is misery.

Sit with your power.

Be humble with your power.

Spread your power for the positive so you can attract what needs to be attracted into your life.

Don’t belittle your power, its infinite.

If you understand the power of hate, you understand the power of love.

Open up the Chakras to a flowing amount of power. Tap into each Chakra so that you use the power you posses to align yourself so that you are at peace, elevated and protected.

Be careful though because when you start to utilize your power you will defiantly come into encounter with blood sucking power spirits.   Especially ones that want you to do negative with the power you have come into, don’t let them get to you – you are a positive powerful being greater will come from this aspect.

I can go on for days about ways to utilize this power – but I believe in saying just enough for you to go out and search yourself. So peace to your powerful journey!

Peace to you powerful beings.

Go move mountains.

New Year – New Me?

Yeah yeah, I know some folks dislike this time of year for the many tweets and Facebook updates of people talking about what their going to do different in the new year, who their cutting off and what type of goals they want to obtain.

But my whole thing is….

Why the hell you so mad?

To me this is great! When someone wants to get rid of old energy, anytime they want to set a goal and run after it like no ones business than I’m with it. I want to see people happy and having aspirations in this world, rather its on January 1st or November 19th, I could care less.

If a new year calls for you to bring out the “new year, new me” phrase than I support you 100%.breakingthefuckout

Life is rough, and it seems to be putting more and more people in a funk and when that happens a very thick cloud of funky ass energy starts to spread in the clouds. Would you rather have that? I doubt it.

New determinations mean that people still have hope in the future and that is a fantastic energy to have flowing in the air.

Everyday I try to wake up and set an intention for my day, week or month and yes I do the same for the New Year. Its like we are able to press the reset button of on our track record, we may still have the same problems on January 1st but at least we can look at them in an optimistic way.

We get to leave what we don’t want to take in the future, we also get to sign up for another 365 days of self determination, self love, gratitude, success and much more.

If anything this is a fantastic time to bring a “new you” to the scene.

Become the REAL you!

Put your plans in motion and take action into the direction of elevation!

No more holding back as you move forward in a direction that you trust…shit trust yourself!

The universe is working with us all in order for us to heal ourselves, each other and most importantly the Earth. Without us setting an intention for healing of Mother Earth than none of our goals will manifest….remember that.

We are going to win by stripping away old layers and habits. No one came move forward by staying the same! So embrace it, take advantage of the new cycle because you too can become something higher!

Set it off!


One way to celebrate the Winter Solstice.

wintertreeAhhh the winter time is officially here, though in Detroit we are experiencing plenty of rain and no snow.

I won’t complain even though I am in need of the sun to come from behind the clouds and kiss my melanin but in due time Imani, in due time!

The first day of winter is here, bringing us another time to celebrate and do our rituals. This is a time to invite in the new season and deepen our appreciation for the “ever-changing flow of life” that we all naturally adapt to.

The December solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year, after the winter solstice the days become longer and the nights become shorter.

Our ancestors have been doing rituals since the beginning of time, and it’s nice to be able to carry on the tradition and find our own reasons to give thanks.

We probably have all read a million articles by now on how to celebrate the Winter Solstice and I won’t bore you with another one…I promise. I am just going to list one way to celebrate among the million.

I like to celebrate the new season coming into fruition by acknowledging the new season and what it has to offer.

We all usually dread the winter time, we dread cleaning off the car, we dread putting on a million layers and we dread slipping and sliding around in the snow.

The winter isn’t as miserable as we all make it out to be though, we actually can enjoy the winter months with activities that keep us happy and warm.

All of the pretty lights that are strung up around the city and all the wintery drinks that make you feel all tingly inside are something to look forward to.

Just being able to shift our approach and mind frame towards winter can help us open up to the many opportunities the season has to offer.

(nope that wasn’t apart of how to celebrate…more like how to get your ass in the Winter spirit!)

The one way I celebrate winter is by doing a fire ritual, I got this idea from which has information on all things spiritual.

The fire ritual can be done by yourself or with others.

The ritual includes lighting a toasty fire, indoor or outdoors (safety first,) and if your by yourself you can just get a nice size steel bowl and use that for your burning ceremony.

You would then write down on a piece of paper all the things you want to give away, it can be anything! Big or small! Whatever is on your heart, we want to dig for those things that we have been suppressing for some time now.

We want those things to be given away because they serve us no purpose in our elevation and we want to rid ourselves of suppressed energy because suppressed energy causes stress and stress causes sickness.

So once we have set and meditated with our thoughts and finally have gotten our giveaways down on paper we then can say a little mantra or affirmation as we burn our paper:

“I release all the energy on this paper and all the suppressed energy in my heart, soul and spirit.”

“I am open to release…(whatever is on your paper.)

“I am more powerful than these things, people and or situations and I release them into the universe never to find there way back to me.”

Of course you can make up your own if your not feeling those suggestions.

Once you are done with your giveaways you or your group of Goddesses and/or Gods seal off the ritual by banging on drums, shakers and or bells. Then you gather for a release dance (which just involves you closing your eyes and moving your body to the spirit and energy you just created.)

You can also add in a toast once you have completed the ritual, toast to getting rid of the unwanted and inviting in the greatness to come.

No matter what type of ritual/celebration you choose to do know that we are celebrating and giving thanks and millions of others around the Earth are doing the same. It’s a beautiful thing.

Side note: you can add your own flavor to this ritual, if you have some of your favorite crystals, candles, incense and/or pictures of ancestors please bring those to the gathering.



To all the folks that don’t read my blog…




I just have something to share with you…

I spend hours writing….always with no regret in my heart.

I’ve written my whole life, my soul is tangled in this shit.

I can’t beg you to share my post, like or comment but it is weird to go through your Facebook and watch you share a million articles a day about the same shit.

It becomes discouraging to watch this.

I asked myself what the point of writing if you wouldn’t read it…

I came to a conclusion though, one that was profound!

To the ones that don’t read my blog….

I am okay with it.


Because I know that what I do is important work, and you may just not realize it yet but when you do I will still be here putting out good shit.

You are sucked into a world of internet illusion….that one day you will realize it isn’t so bad to support your actual local deep thinker.

Yeah it looks cool to have blogs like “YogaAnonymous,” on your timeline but don’t forget that they have millions of readers a day…

Think about people that really need support…and start supporting them.

And to all my local dreamers….keep dreaming it’s coming!

With love,
